
Pregnancy Discrimination

Our Texas employment lawyer represents employees who are the victims of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. It is against the law for an employer to discriminate against an employee because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy. Specifically, an employer is prohibited from discriminating against pregnant employees in hiring, firing, promotion, suspension, training, and any other terms and conditions of employment. Additionally, the law requires an employer to provide a reasonable accommodation to pregnant employees. If you have suffered from pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, contact our Texas employment law firm today.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act not only protects employees from pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, but it also prohibits employers from retaliating against an employee who complains about pregnancy discrimination. Contact our Texas employment lawyer today if you have suffered from pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.

Disability Resulting from Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy can cause many types of medical conditions. An employee suffering from a pregnancy related medical condition could be entitled to a reasonable accommodation in the workplace. One of the most common forms of accommodation is time of off to seek medical treatment. Contact a Texas employment lawyer today if your employer is discriminating against you or is denying you a reasonable accommodation. Submit your case to our Texas employment law firm today.

Time Off Work for Pregnancy and Maternity Leave

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act requires an employer to allow equivalent time off work to an employee for the birth of a child that would be awarded to an employee with a disability. Additionally, the Family and Medical Leave Act (commonly referred to as the “FMLA”) provides additional guidelines for employers. Under the FMLA, certain employees are allowed up to twelve weeks of unpaid medical leave time to treat a serious medical condition. The FMLA covers maternity leave and paternity leave. Additionally, the FMLA allows employees the right to take time off for the adoption of a child. The FMLA also prevents an employer from retaliating against an employee who properly takes FMLA leave.

If you have been denied the right to take medical leave, contact our Texas employment lawyer today to discuss your employment rights.

Paternity Leave and Leave for an Adopted Child

As discussed above, the FMLA provides medical leave rights for new fathers and mothers of adoptive children. In addition to providing leave rights, the FMLA prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee who exercises their FMLA rights. For example, your employer can not discipline, terminate, demote, or suspend an employee for taking proper FMLA leave.

Contact our Texas employment law firm today, if you have been discriminated against, retaliated against, or denied maternity/paternity leave under the FMLA.

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